EasyVersionControl 9.10.20

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Download EasyVersionControl 9.10.20 Keygen - A tool for tracking the version of an Excel workbook.

Download EasyVersionControl 9.10.20 Free - A tool for tracking the version of an Excel workbook.

Download EasyVersionControl 9.10.20 Crack - A tool for tracking the version of an Excel workbook.

Download EasyVersionControl 9.10.20 Serial Number - A tool for tracking the version of an Excel workbook.

EasyVersionControl is a Microsoft Excel enhancement that allows you to control the version of all the distributed files. The package includes a macro-enabled Excel file that allows you to review all the history of the modifications.

You can also use this tool for creating an expiration date for the current version of the file or to protect the content of the file by adding a password.

· Microsoft Excel

· You cannot change the Admin password.